Acts 7:51 “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you. It wasn’t that the counsel couldn’t hear Stephen but they refused to so much as even consider what he said. They were stiff necked, meaning they could not repent or turn and… Read More »
I Do
Acts 9:36 At Joppa there was a certain disciple named Tabitha, which is translated Dorcas. This woman was full of good works and charitable deeds which she did. Acts 9:37 But it happened in those days that she became sick and died. When they had washed her, they laid her in an upper room. Acts… Read More »
Works Snob
Acts 7:51 “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you. It wasn’t that the counsel couldn’t hear Stephen but they refused to so much as even consider what he said. They were stiff necked, meaning they could not repent or turn and… Read More »
I Do
Acts 9:36 At Joppa there was a certain disciple named Tabitha, which is translated Dorcas. This woman was full of good works and charitable deeds which she did. Acts 9:37 But it happened in those days that she became sick and died. When they had washed her, they laid her in an upper room. Acts… Read More »
On Grace
Acts 11:18 When they heard these things they became silent; and they glorified God, saying, “Then God has also granted to the Gentiles repentance to life.” It does seem to me that the grace of God is quite remarkable. It’s like a flood of water that seeks to saturate every nook and cranny, cutting off… Read More »
Disciple Indeed
John 8:30-32 As He spoke these words, many believed in Him.Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Verse 30 says that many believed in Him, and it is to… Read More »