Matthew 24:28 For wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.
“Eagles” here is an unfortunate translation. You see, it’s a vestige of 13th century vocabulary when EAGLE meant any number of large birds of prey. More precisely, neser is translated as “vultures” and suddenly the picture comes together a little better, doesn’t it? Wherever you find a carcass, you will find opportunists taking advantage of the situation.
1 Peter 5:8-9 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”
Most people think of lions as powerful hunters, the king of the jungle bravely hunting it’s prey. That’s not always the case. Yeah, lions are fierce hunters but they are also opportunistic. They have no qualms about munching on a carcass left behind by another killer. I think most Christians don’t really understand what satan is capable of. He’s not a cartoonish character in a red body suit. He’s deadly serious and biding his time, waiting for the opportunity to destroy you. He’s waiting for you to put down your sword, your shield and your armor.
He’s waiting for you to decide that because you lost your job or because your marriage is in trouble God doesn’t care. When the variables of life in a fallen world leave you a carcass, he’s ready to feed. During the harder times of life, press in. Don’t forsake fellowship and church. Don’t forsake serving. Don’t forsake your own devotion and prayer time. It’s when you separate yourself off from the rest, when you become distracted, when you cease attending church, when you cease serving, when you are weakened through giving in to sinful desires, and/or when you neglect to consume the proper nutrients of the Word of God … that’s when your adversary finds his greatest opportunity.
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