Exodus 5:1 Afterward Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh, “Thus says the LORD God of Israel: Let My people go, that they may hold a feast to Me in the wilderness.”’
Gaining an audience with the Elders of Israel was one thing but gaining an audience with the Pharaoh was quite another. For one thing, the Israelites were slaves within Egypt and Moses had been a wanted man until the previous Pharaoh died. Moses could not be sure that everyone had forgotten about the price on his head. The way in to see the Pharaoh would have been difficult if not impossible for a slave who was not summoned to appear before the king. And yet we find that Moses and Aaron gained an audience before the Pharaoh. How could this happen?
The Bible doesn’t give any details, in fact it makes it sound like they just walked right in and up to the Pharaoh. Logic, however, tells us that for a Hebrew to command an appearance before the Pharaoh, palms would have to be greased and some big barriers would have to fall.
But God.
You see, when God sends His man into action, He makes the way. The Apostle Paul is a good illustration. By way of shipwreck and through arrest, imprisonment and trial, Paul was able to share the gospel with Festus, the procurator of Judea and with King Agrippa and even Nero, Caesar of Rome. In fact, Paul had a successful ministry while awaiting trial in the household of Caesar (Philippians 4:22). My friend, God had to arrange that trip … no amount of planning and scheduling could have seen Paul through storm and shipwreck and into the household of Caesar.
But that’s just one example out of the whole Bible and page after page of Exodus is about God making the way. In fact, page after page of the Bible is about God making the way … the whole Bible is about God making the way for fallen man to be restored with Him.
John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
We have no need for fear when we are following Jesus. Yet, when we are in the midst of difficult circumstances, it can be really hard to push our brains outside of what we consider to be possible and into the realm of faith. Sometimes we find ourselves in such a tangle of circumstances that we cannot imagine any way through, don’t we. God will make the way.
When you feel trapped. When you feel that you are at a dead end. When you are backed into a corner with armies closing in … know that God loves you, values you, and He will make the way.
Matthew 10:29–31 Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.
Earlier, in Exodus 4, we saw Moses and Aaron speaking with all of Israel, telling them that God was going to make a way … and Israel celebrated. Yet we find that Moses and Aaron are alone in their confrontation with the Pharaoh. Interesting thing is, the elders of Israel were supposed to accompany Moses and Aaron.
Jewish tradition tells us that the Elders began the journey with Moses and Aaron but one by one they dropped out because they feared the Pharaoh. Maybe there are times that you question whether you are following God and maybe you’ve wondered that because the path is lonely. Jesus had multitudes following Him, yet by the time He was on the cross, there were only a handful who remained. Don’t fear the lonely road because you are never on it … even when it seems you are. We, all your brothers and sisters in Christ, are on that road with you and it’s the road Jesus paved.
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